8th Summit: Carrying on a Legacy
“What the mind wills the body follows.” — Dick Bass
I am thrilled to introduce my new creative project called "8th Summit."
For several years, I have considered pursuing an outlet to be more creative—especially related to fitness, the outdoors, education, and more recently biology. I have brainstormed on ways to start sharing stories with family, friends, and other like-minded people that could provide value and inspiration to them. Additionally, by documenting my efforts, my energies will focus on striving for optimal performance and a thriving lifestyle. I hope these reflections will achieve both goals: add value to my own life and to others.
Now, let me explain the title of this project, "8th Summit." I am blessed to have been raised by a wonderful family filled with high-achievers and dynamic personalities. My gratitude for my life's circumstances is vast, and my family constantly inspires me to be the best version of me.
Specifically, the idea to create and name this project "8th Summit" is inspired by my late grandfather, Dick Bass. During the 1980s while he was in his fifties, Dick climbed each of the highest peaks on the seven continents. Dick, along with Frank Wells and Rick Ridgeway, co-authored the book Seven Summits documenting the stories behind the expeditions. When Dick entered his eighties, he was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis. His indefatigable spirit never seemed to wane despite the mental and physical stress. During his battle with Pulmonary Fibrosis, Dick consistently talked about writing a second book titled “The 8th Summit.” His condition taught him that one’s mind is an even more daunting peak to summit than the Seven Summits. Naturally, he dubbed the expedition to master the mind as the 8th Summit.
Dick posing on top of Mount Everest on April 30, 1985.
Dick never got around to writing the book. However, I now am challenging myself to honor that idea and Dick's legacy with a personal project called "8th Summit."
Dick always attributed his accomplishments to his pursuit for "enhancement of body, mind, and spirit," a mantra that inspires this work. Dick left a unique legacy for our family and thousands of other people who benefitted from his creations and stories. I hope that 8th Summit will honor that legacy, standing as a testament to his influence and sharing actionable insight inspired by his one-of-a-kind life.
8th Summit will feature stories centering on my personal journey to push my own physical, mental, and spiritual limits. I also will feature some of Dick’s unique stories as well as writings on human performance and well-being. Over time, I expect 8th Summit content will cover a breadth of topics, including many other people’s stories. Strap on the boots and join me for the climb!